Foot Reflexology Massage
Foot reflexology massage helps strengthen the immune system and enhances deep relaxation. It is an ancient alternative massage technique, applying the knowledge that there are reflex zones and specific reflex points on the foot that correspond to a certain body area, be it internal organs, glands, or sense organs. When these reflexology points are stimulated with specific massage techniques, the body’s natural healing abilities are stimulated: This not only feels good and enhances deep relaxation, it also increases the blood supply to internal organs, promoting healing and the reduction of pain. This relaxation allows, additionally, the body to move naturally toward homeostasis and more optimal functioning.
Session: 40 minutes – 40 Euros
Craniosacral therapy
Craniosacral therapy is a soft manual therapy for deep relaxation and easing of tensions and pain which focusses on the flow of body fluids. It is based on the discovery that the cerebrospinal fluid of our body circulates rhythmically from the cranium to the sacrum. This craniosacral rhythm can be perceived by the therapist by palpation in our whole body, and can be brought back into a harmonic flow by gentle manipulation. This allows for blockages, tensions and pain to be resolved. Craniosacral therapy also has many benefits for wellness, including: deeply easing stress, deep rest for the nervous system, increased vitality and increased general well-being.
Session: 60 minutes – 60 Euros
Classic massage
Classic massage for the neck and your back helps easing tensions and blockages. It reduces pain in the head, neck and back area. The general aim of massage is to bring back the harmony of your body by using regulating techniques. A range of massage strokes are used to warm up the muscle tissue, release tension and gradually breaking up muscle "knots" or adhered tissue (called adhesions): thus, blockages and tensions are released, leading to reduced pain and a general sense of well-being, relaxation and new energy.
Session: 50 minutes - 50 Euros